




admin_hua2022-01-22 14:49:02高职高考常见问题1000来源:高职高考信息网


Indoor plants add color and warmth to the home. Many houseplants __56__(be) easy to grow, but  they must be given appropriate care. 
The very first thing to consider when __57__(select) a houseplant is where you want to put it. Then match the space and lighting with the plant's requirements. Do you have a big spot by a __58__(sun) window or a small space with little light? Next ask __59__(you) whether you are looking for a plant with beautiful green leaves __60__a flowering plant. Some flowering houseplants are seasonal while others will bloom year after year.
Watering properly is one of __61__most important parts of indoor plant care. Room temperature tap water should be fine for most indoor plants, but remember not__62__(water) too much at a time, otherwise they will __63__(certain) get drowned.
Some plants grow well in warm, humid environments, while others prefer hot, dry climates. Of course, your home can't be everything to every plant, but if you can take plant needs into __64__(consider), you can make sure that your plants are living __65__their ideal environment. 

56.are  57.selecting  58.sunny  59.yourself 60.or  61.the  62.to water 63.certainly 64.consideration  65.in
Nowadays napping (打个盹)is very much part of a normal, everyday life in many parts of the world. China, for example, is a land of nappers. __56__the previous studies suggest, napping can not only help babies and young children learn better__57__help brain work better in older adults. 
Researchers recently carried out a study, __58__(hope) to find out if napping after a mid-day meal, a tradition in some areas, had any effect on the mental__59__(perform) of the subjects.
First, the researchers asked the people if they napped and how long. Then, according__60__their answers, researchers put them into several groups. Nearly 60 percent of those people said they did take a nap after lunch and __61__their naps lasted anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes. Most of the subjects said they __62__(nap) for about an hour.
The study found that people who took __63__hour-long nap did much better on mental tests than those who did not nap. The hour-long nappers also did better on the tests than those who napped for shorter and longer __64__(period). In this study, it seemed that the most effective nap lasted for about an hour, but not much__65__(long). 

56.as  57.but  58.hoping  59.performance  60.to  61.that  62.napped  63.an  64.periods  65.longer
