




admin_hua2022-02-22 14:36:06高职高考常见问题684来源:高职高考信息网


1.We each _____ strong points and each of us on the other hand ______ weak points.

A. have , have  B. has, have     

C. has , has   D. have, has


2.A library with five thousand books ______ to the nation as a gift.       

A. is offered    B. has offered    

C. are offered   D. have offered


3.The police _______ determined to bring back the missing boy when his family ______ almost given up all hope.

A. is, has    B. are, have     

C. are, has    D. is, have


4.In this institution a medal together with a prize of certain sum of money _____ gains success in science and technology every two years.    

A. are given to anyone    

B. is given to whoever    

C. are given to who   

D. is given to whom


5.You should try Larry and Kevin’s restaurant because _____ the best in the city.

A. theirs is   B. their’s is       

C. they are   D. their's are


6.Only one of the students who ____   present____ to speak at the meeting. 

A. is, is       B. are, are       

C. are, is      D. is, are


7.------______ the dollars a big sum of money to him? ------ I suppose _________.

A. Are, to     B. Were, to      

C. Will be, to      D. Is , so


8.When and where to build the new factory ______ yet.   

A. is not decided      

B. are not decided   

C. had not decided     

D. have not decided


9.Either Tom or Jane did _____ homework in the classroom.

A. their     B. theirs      

C. his       D. her


10.Reading magazines and novels _____ helpful.

A. is       B. are      

C. have        D. has


11.In spring, many plants bloom, which ____ the world even more beautiful.

A. made      B. make       

C. makes     D. have made


12.It's not you but Mr. Anderson who ___ to answer ___ the incident.

A. are, for    B. were, to      

C. is, for       D. was, back


13.There are two books on the bookshelf.  ____ of them ____ worth ______.

A. Both , are, being read   

B. All, are, reading

C. Neither, is, being read  

D. Either, is, reading


14.The number of people invited ______ fifty, but a number of them ______ absent for different reasons. (MENT 96)

A. were , was     

B. was, was   

C. was, were   

D. were , were


15.I don't think the poor ______ poor.

A. are always   B. has been always   

C. is always   D. always are


16.Every means _______ tried but without much result.

A. have been   B. had

C. has     D. has been  


17.At the meeting each man and each woman _____ praised by the manager yesterday.

A. was      B. were       

C. would be     D. had been


18.One and a half days _____ what I need.

A. was      B. is

C. are      D. were


19.Sixty percent of the work______ .    

A. have been done   

B. had been done   

C. has been done   

D. has done


20.____ neither you nor your brother interested in swimming?

A. Are       B. Is     

C. Do        D. Does


21.Such films ____ shown yesterday ____ not worth seeing again.

A. that was, is   

B. as were, are   

C. as were, is   

D. those were, are


22.Three fourths of the earth's surface ____ covered with water.

A. is     B. are

C. was   D. were


23.About 85 percent of the students ____ good, and part of them _____ interested in biology.  

A. is, are      B. are, are

C. are, is     D. is, is


24.Politics ____ now taught in all schools.

A. isB. are

C. be       D. being


25.Do you know what his politics _____?

A. isB. are 

C. be        D. being


26.The wounded ______ sent to the hospital at once.

A. were    B. are

C. is        D. was


27.The Chinese ____ hard-working.

A. be       B. being        

C. is       D. are


28.The United Nations _____ in 1945.

A. are found      

B. is found    

C. was founded   

D. were founded


29.Our headmaster and secretary ____ kind and strict.

A. isB. be

C. areD. were


30.More than one girl _____ late for class this morning.

A. areB. is

C. was      D. were



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