




admin_hua2022-02-22 10:59:21高职高考常见问题706来源:高职高考信息网


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(2019·山东济宁摸底)After nearly half a century behind the wheel, Hisao Matsumoto, 85, is not ready to stop driving.“I’m not that old yet,” he says.“I still have 15 more years to go till I reach 100.” Mr.Matsumoto is one of more than 5 million drivers aged 75 or older.A million more will be on the roads by 2021.Worried, the police are trying to persuade many of them out of driving, because over 75s are twice as likely to cause a fatal accident as younger drivers, according to the National Police Agency (NPA).

Nearly half of older drivers who caused fatal accidents had signs of cognitive impairment (认知障碍).Hundreds of older drivers turn the wrong way into motor ways every year.In January an 85 year old man steered his vehicle into oncoming traffic on a country road, hitting a car and two schoolgirls.Police believe he mistook the accelerator for the brake.The man’s family said he had rejected their requests to hand over his keys many times.

Such stubbornness is common, notes Kazunori Iwakoshi, who heads an NGO that supports elderly drivers.Many drivers argue that they have never had an accident and it is unfair to do that, so they resent themselves being cast aside.

Since last March over 75s renewing their licenses must take cognitive tests to screen for dementia (老年痴呆).The NPA expects these changes to take 15,000 drivers off the road each year.Last year more than 250,000 over 75s gave up their licenses after their families’ constant stream of persuasion, says Mr.Iwakoshi.His organization publishes a check list for elderly drivers, aimed at getting them to assess their responses themselves.

Mr.Matsumoto is lucky.His city gives pensioners unlimited access to public transport.However, thousands of elderly people are stuck in rural communities with no buses.

[语篇解读] 本文为说明文。因为超过75岁的司机发生致命事故的可能性是年轻司机的两倍,所以日本警方正在努力说服他们中的许多人放弃开车。为此,去年3月对超过75岁的人更新他们的执照,进行认知测试来筛查痴呆症。经过努力,许多老年人放弃了驾照。但对于住在无公交车的农村的老年人来说,不开车出行又是一个问题。

1.Why do the police try to persuade elderly drivers to stop driving?
A.To encourage younger drivers to drive safely.
B.To reduce the number of deadly accidents.
C.To introduce the National Police Agency.
D.To stress the significance of safe driving.
B [细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Worried, the police are trying to persuade many of them out of driving, because over 75s are twice as likely to cause a fatal accident as younger drivers,”(警方正在努力说服他们中的许多人不要开车,因为超过75岁的司机发生致命事故的可能性是年轻司机的两倍。)由此可知,这是因为老年司机发生事故的几率比年轻人高,所以为了减少致命事故才劝说老年司机不要开车了。] 

2.Which word is closest in meaning to the underlined word “resent” in Paragraph 3?
D [猜测词义题。根据第三段的Many drivers argue that they have never had an accident and it is unfair to do that, so they resent themselves being cast aside.可知,许多年老的司机认为他们从未发生过事故,这样做是不公平的,所以他们痛恨不让他们自己开车。由前面年老的司机认为不公平的,可知他们不会喜欢。分析选项可知resent的意思是“不喜欢,讨厌,痛恨” 。]

3.What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
A.Tests to assess elderly drivers’ responses.
B.Families’ contributions to traffic safety.
C.Ways to renew licenses for elderly drivers.
D.Measures to control the number of elderly drivers.
D [主旨大意题。本段主要讲述为了让老年司机放弃开车,对超过75岁的老人进行认知测试考核来筛查痴呆症。在家人的劝说下有许多老年人放弃了开车。由此可知,对于控制老年司机人数日本政府和社会采取了相应的措施。]

4.What is implied about the restriction to elderly drivers in the last paragraph?
A.It can cause some new problems.
B.It is popular among elderly drivers.
C.It will do elderly drivers more harm than good.
D.It brings about easy access to public transport.
A [推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句However, thousands of elderly people are stuck in rural communities with no buses.的内容可知,让老年人放弃开车是好的,但对成千上万生活在没有公共汽车的农村社区的老年人来说他(他们的出行)就是一个问题了。] 


Dr.K was one of my favorite professors in college.He was unique because he admitted telling lies in his __1__.I remembered the __2__to his teaching at the beginning of his first class:“Now let me __3__ how I teach.From today to the class right before finals, I’ll put a __4__ into each of my lectures.Your job is to try and __5__ me in the Lie of the Day.”

And thus __6__ our ten week course.Early in the course,the Lie of the Day was usually obvious—__7__ causing a forest of raised __8__ to challenge the lie.Dr.K would smile, saying,“Very good! In fact, the opposite is __9__.”

As the course progressed, __10__,_the Lie of the Day became less __11__.Every once in a while, a lecture would __12__ with nobody catching the lie.On such days, we would all sit in __13__,while Dr.K, looked quite __14__ with himself and announced, “Ah ha! Each of you has one lie in your __15__.Discuss what it might be, and I will tell you next Monday.” Those lectures forced us to __16__what we had set down in our notebooks the following week.

It’s years since I __17__.While my knowledge taught by Dr.K has faded over time, the lessons will always stay __18__ with me.“Experts” can be __19__ and say things that sound right.So build a habit of __20__ new information and check it against things you already accept as a fact.
