




admin_hua2022-02-22 10:59:22高职高考常见问题794来源:高职高考信息网


[语篇解读] K教授是作者在大学最喜欢的教授之一,他用自己独特的教学方式,使学生对他的课印象深刻。
1.A.memories  B.lectures  C.stories  D.textbooks
B [根据后面的整个故事内容可知,K教授允许学生在他的课堂上找出他撒谎的地方,因此选项lectures符合语境,而且后面多处出现该词。]

2.A.introductionB.way C.accessD.devotion
A [教授在第一堂课开始时对他的教学方法进行了介绍。]

3.A.rememberB.declare C.explainD.conduct
C [根据后面的内容“From today to the class right before finals...in the Lie of the Day.”可知,教授向大家解释了他如何进行教学:从今天到期末前的每堂课里都会有一个谎言,大家的任务就是尽量把它找出来。]

4.A.puzzleB.joke C.surpriseD.lie
D [本文从头至尾都在谈论K教授在课堂上欢迎同学们找谎言。]

5.A.catchB.help C.supportD.punish
A [上文提到每堂课教授都会有一个谎言,后文中的“...causing a forest of raised...to challenge the lie.”也说明教授是让同学们尽量去发现他说谎的地方,故选A。]

6.A.passedB.continued C.beganD.arose
C [上一段K教授在第一节课开始时介绍了自己的教学特色,因此接下来自然是课程的开始,故选C。]

7.A.graduallyB.suddenly C.actuallyD.immediately
D [教授要求同学们在他的课堂上尽量找出他说谎的地方,这种教学方法很新颖独特,大家当然会立即响应,都想挑战,故选D。]

8.A.eyesB.hands C.headsD.books
B [在课堂上,同学们会举手回答问题,故选B。]

9.A.trueB.interesting C.easyD.serious
A [lie的反义相关词就是true,故选A。]

10.A.besidesB.therefore C.thusD.however
D [根据前面的progressed与后面的became less可知,前后是转折关系,故选D。]

11.A.attractiveB.noticeable C.difficultD.special
B [随着课程的推进,教授的谎言越来越难发现,后面的with nobody catching the lie说明了一点,故选B。]

12.A.proveB.meet C.endD.connect
C [上一句说明谎言越来越难发现,接下来进一步说明情况,有时一节课结束了都没有人发现谎言,故选C。]

13.A.surpriseB.relief C.comfortD.silence
D [从后面教授说的话可知,我们都安静地坐在那里,等教授发言。故选D。]

14.A.pleasedB.disappointed C.annoyedD.surprised
A [前文提到,同学们很难找到教授的谎言,甚至一节课结束了都没有人发现任何谎言;而下文“Ah ha!Each of you has one lie in your...”说明教授对此很满意,故选A。]

15.A.diariesB.notes C.homeworkD.articles
B [根据后面的what we had set down in our notebooks中的notebooks可知,学生的笔记里有谎言,故选B。]

16.A.go throughB.look for C.find outD.turn in
A [go through浏览;look for寻找;find out查明;turn in上交。教授说学生的笔记里有谎言,让学生讨论。由此可推断,这迫使学生不得不去浏览笔记,找出问题所在。故选A。]

17.A.marriedB.retired C.graduatedD.moved
C [从下一句的“While my knowledge taught by Dr.K has faded over time,the lessons will always stay...”可推知,虽然毕业好几年了,教授教给作者的知识也被淡忘了,但是作者对那些课还记忆犹新,故选C。]

18.A.funnyB.fresh C.usefulD.important
B [随着时间的推移,教授教给作者的知识已经被淡忘了,但是作者对那些课还记忆犹新,fresh符合语境,故选B。]

19.A.responsibleB.greedy C.patientD.wrong
D [从后面的check it against things you already accept as a fact可知,通过与那些你已经作为事实接受了的东西作对比来检查新信息,也就是对专家们讲的东西不要全盘接受,他们也可能出错。故选D。]

20.A.believingB.spreading C.challengingD.organizing
C [专家们讲的东西也可能是错的,所以我们要养成一种质疑新信息的习惯,要对它们进行检验。故选C。]


Apples are widely grown in many countries and they are usually picked 1.______ hand.However, robots may soon join the human apple pickers.On 2.______ whole, one robot can pick the same amount as a team of ten people, but doesn’t require a salary.The 3.______(amaze) robot sucks apples off trees and it won’t damage them.It can even spot ripe apples and pull them from trees just 4.______ you can.The apple picking robot will have a great influence on the farming industry.Orchard (果园) owners are 5.______ (extreme) happy about it, for farm labor is getting harder 6.______(find).

Many people are worried that the 7.______ (appear) of robots might result in their being replaced in one way or another.However, a lot of good is coming with it as well.Robots often make life safer.Robotic replacements can increase productivity while 8.______(reduce) risk.So long as we keep promoting progress in a way that helps humans,positive change 9.______(follow).

Scientists put it into historical perspective:“Look at the history of agriculture dating back to the 1800s.Machinery has changed how harvesting is done,and huge 10.______(benefit)to society have come from that.”

[语篇解读] 机器人越来越多地出现在人们的日常生活中,例如苹果采摘机器人。机器人的出现不仅能提高效率,还能降低风险。

1.by [考查介词。很多国家都广泛种植苹果,并且它们通常是靠手工采摘的。固定短语by hand表示“用手工”,符合句意。此题容易误填with,with后常接具体的工具,with后面的名词有单复数形式的变化。例如:We write with our hands.]
2.the [考查冠词。on the whole表示“整体上,大体上,基本上”,是固定用法,故应用the。]
3.amazing [考查形容词。神奇的机器人把苹果从树上吸下来,而且还不会损坏它们。空处所填词作定语,修饰robot,表示机器人的特征,故应填amazing(令人惊奇的)。]
4.as [考查状语从句。它甚至可以找出成熟的苹果并像人们一样将苹果从树上摘下来。从属连词as在此引导方式状语从句,表示“像……一样”。]
5.extremely [考查副词。句中的happy为形容词,应用副词对其进行修饰。]
6.to find [考查非谓语动词。果园主人为此非常高兴,因为农场劳动力越来越难找。for后的分句实质上是“sb./sth.+be+形容词+to do”结构的变体,该结构中,当do与sb./sth.为动宾关系时,不定式通常用主动形式表示被动意义,故填to find。]
7.appearance [考查名词。根据句意、空前的the及空后的of可知,此处应填名词,动词appear的名词形式是appearance。]
8.reducing [考查非谓语动词。用机器人代替人工作不仅可以提高生产效率,还可以降低风险。分析句子结构可知,此处是非谓语动词作时间状语。Robotic replacements与reduce是主谓关系,非谓语动作与谓语动作同时存在,故用reducing。]
9.will follow [考查动词的时态和语态。条件状语从句用一般现在时表示将来,主句应用一般将来时,且positive change与follow为主谓关系,故填will follow。]
10.benefits [考查名词的单复数。句中and连接两个并列分句,在第二个分句中谓语动词为have come,因此空格处应用名词的复数形式。]


Not only can interest drive us to learn happy but also make our learning efficient.Take me as an example.I used to be weak English.One day in Senior Grade 1, I happen to see an English movie named Speed.It was such interesting that I watched it again and again.Surprisingly, I didn’t feel English bored and difficult any more.From then on, I began to watch English movies but read English novels every week.Naturally, I made a rapid progress in my English.Gradual, my English became the best in my class.Now, when it comes to English, I always feel confident about me.
In one word, whoever is interested in something are sure to do it well.
